5785 Blessings to all of you.
What mystery key do we find within the
numbers of this New Year on YHWH’s Holy Calendar?
In Hebrew 5 means: Power, strength, alertness, Torah, grace, Ministry, service, gospel, fruitfulness, going forth, fast movement, anointed, prayers, and protection.
In Hebrew 7 means: Rest, cessation from work, wholeness, completeness, being ripe, order, stability, and holiness.
In Hebrew the number 8 Literally man’s to “make fat.” New beginnings, not just complete (like seven), but satiated. Becoming “fat” is having more than enough. Full to overflowing.
In Hebrew 5 means: Power, strength, alertness, Torah, grace, ministry, service, gospel, fruitfulness, going forth, fast movement, anointed, prayers, and protection.
Wow! We have so many wonderful things to walk out this year. Most importantly we need to hear the Shofar tonight so that we have ears to hear, are alert and ready to be filled to overflowing with Ruach HaKodesh freshly. So listen intently to the Shofar blast tonight and enter into 5785!
Blessings and Shalom!! L”Shana Tova 5785!
Hebrew Number facts Thanks to: https://graceintorah.net/2015/06/15/hebrew-numbers-1-10/