
L’Shana Tova Head of the Year 5785 Blessings

On this day in History the following things happened. Please know that as you read the following Biblical things that occurred on this exact day, the Rosh Chodesh of Tishri and beginning of a brand new year on YHWH’s calendar, He is serious about His Holy Calendar.

As you enter into 5785 Praise ADONAI for opening His Word and Truth up to you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a deeper way this year. There is always more to learn. More of Him to know.

Rosh Hashana- the Head of the Year

The sixth day of Creation- G-d created animals that walk and crawl on the earth.  He also created Adam, the first human, and Chavah, the first woman.  “G-d formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7)

That day they were banished from Garden of Eden.

On this day, G-d answered the prayers for children of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Leah and Hannah.

c 2267 BCE- Noah dispatched a dove from the Ark for the third time.  When the dove did not return, Noah knew that the waters had completely drained from the earth.  (Genesis 8:12-14) On that day Noah removed the roof of the Ark but he and his family remained in it for another 57 days until the 27th of Cheshvan.

c 1977 BCE- Birth (c 1977 BCE) and death (c 1839 BCE) of Sarah.  (Genesis 23:1-2)

c 1877 BCE- G-d blesses Sarah with a child.  (Genesis 18:10)

c 1839 BCE- Isaac was bound on the altar during the Akeidah. (see Genesis 22) The fright of this event prompted the death of his mother, Sarah.

c 1765 BCE- Jacob received the blessings from Isaac (according to the Zohar but according to Pirkei D’Rabi Eliezer it occurred on Passover).  (Genesis 27)

c 1726 BCE- Rachel’s prayers were answered; she later gave birth to Joseph.  (Genesis 30:22)

c 1695 BCE- Joseph was freed from prison in Egypt.  (Genesis 41:14)

c 1477 BCE- The harsh slavery of the Jews in Egypt ended.

c 1060 BCE- The prayer of Hannah was answered; she gave birth to Samuel the prophet the following year.  (1 Samuel 1:19)

c 881 BCE- Elisha promised his hostess, the Shunammite woman, that she would bear a child.  (2 Kings 4:12-17)

1553- Cardinal Caraffa (later to be Pope Paul IV), backed by Pope Julius III, burned the Talmud and other Jewish holy books in Rome.

These facts are from:

Blessings and Shalom – L’Shana Tova in Yeshua (Jesus) Name

Beth Auman and JoBeth Kested

Welcome Tishri 5785

Tishri — Complete Atonement in Yeshua
Gregorian Calendar: September/October for 30 Days Biblical Calendar: 7th Month
Civic Calendar: 1st Month

Characteristics Associated with Tishri
• Rosh Codesh ripe fruit:Atonement
• Tribe: Ephraim
• Letter: Lamed
• Constellation: Libra,the Scales
• Appointed Feasts: Rosh Chodesh,
Feast of Trumpets/Rosh Hashanah,
Yom Kippur /Feast of Atonement, Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles
This is an excerpt from our book, Quest Of The Overcomers. Available on Amazon.

Summer Book Study with JoBeth Kested

Many thanks to my friends Rena, Jackie, and Karen who have completed a study with me this summer through our book “Quest of the Overcomers.” Jackie’s friend, Karen, joined us by phone from Florida. It was my joy to actually watch the broadening of the tent pegs of their minds; with enlightening of their eyes, as they learned about God’s order of times and seasons through the Hebraic calendar. It was so exciting to hear them share their stories each week about the overcoming lessons they were applying to their lives. Praise the Lord! ❤️

Rena: The “Quest of the Overcomers” has been an incredible journey through the Hebrew calendar; to learn how each month there is a correlating constellation, one of the 12 tribes, about the appointed feasts, overcoming scriptures, and “fruit” that all ties together that month. This study has been very rich, and I look forward to reminding myself each new month of what I have learned in this book.

Jackie: What a journey it has been through the study of the book “Quest of the Overcomers.” I learned so much about the Hebraic calendar and I now find as I read the Bible that I can tie events together and have such a better understanding. Having the scriptures right in the book with the month was a highlight for me. I will use the book each month and apply it to my daily walk with Jesus Christ .

Karen: This book “Quest of the Overcomers” was right on time for my journey in the fullness of Yeshua and I love the way God grows us and connects us with those that can take us deeper! This quest to share in what God had revealed in these authors lives came to fruition by His hand and I am so thankful they followed His lead! My nieces are asking for a Bible study and I believe God may be preparing me to pass the book along to this younger generation what has been shared with me. Thank you Lord!

Elul’s Ripe Fruit – Mercy

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement

The Ripe Fruit of Elul is Mercy

12 So speak and so do as those who will be judged by the law of liberty. 13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
James 2:12-14 NKJV

Elul Teaching by Conny Hubbard

JoBeth and I would like to Thank Conny Hubbard for including the Quest Of The Overcomers in her Neuro Art teaching on the Hebrew Month of Av and her excellent review of our book.

Please click the link to partake of this lovely instructional teaching on how to draw out and remember Biblical truth in a creative way-

Conny Hubbard is a well known Author, Teacher and Chaplain. She is one of the most creative women that I have ever met. She teaches Bibliodrama writing classes that bringing the Word of God to life in an exquisite and creative way.

Conny’s Page

Reach out and let us know how much you enjoyed The Quest and Conny’s Teaching. 

Av Teaching by Conny Hubbard

JoBeth and I would like to Thank Conny Hubbard for including the Quest Of The Overcomers in her Neuro Art teaching on the Hebrew Month of Av and her excellent review of our book.

Please click the link to partake of this lovely instructional teaching on how to draw out and remember Biblical truth in a creative way-

Conny Hubbard is a well known Author, Teacher and Chaplain. She is one of the most creative women that I have ever met. She teaches Bibliodrama writing classes that bringing the Word of God to life in an exquisite and creative way.

Conny’s Page

Reach out and let us know how much you enjoyed The Quest and Conny’s Teaching. 

Tammuz Teaching by Conny Hubbard

JoBeth and I would like to Thank Conny Hubbard for including the Quest Of The Overcomers in her Neuro Art teaching on the Hebrew Month of Tammuz and her excellent review of our book.

Please click the link to partake of this lovely instructional teaching on how to draw out and remember Biblical truth in a creative way.

Conny Hubbard is a well known Author, Teacher and Chaplain. She is one of the most creative women that I have ever met. She teaches Bibliodrama writing classes that bringing the Word of God to life in an exquisite and creative way.

Conny’s Page

Reach out and let us know how much you enjoyed The Quest and Conny’s Teaching.